Premiul II – ILIE RUXANDRA, VIII - Şcoala Generală nr. 5 Braşov / prof. FRANK CARMEN


My child’s hood Diary

You can’t possibly forget the most beautiful moments of your life when you were free to do whatever you  wish  without fearing that you will be grounded because you were …a child.

How can you define childhood? The most beautiful and special period of our lives. Well I think that it’s an  invaluable  treasure .

I was looking the other day in my childhood’s album and I became melancholic…the innocent smile, the sparkle in my eyes whenever I was holding my teddy bear …I was thinking…

-Hey! Were you thinking about me? a shy but strong voice asked me.

I looked around….Beside me stood a tall and very beautiful woman. Strangely her perfume seemed familiar to me….she smelled like cookies. 

It can’t be her I thought…

I’m your childhood …you know, we had so much fun together…when you were running in the park with your warm smile , when you played games with your friends…Tomorrow it’s your birthday and I thought  the most beautiful present for you  would be to remember some beautiful moments of your life ....She opened a book and there I saw …it was me in the park running happily towards my friends…Then, my first day at school …my best friend. We known each other since first grade.

-This is the most interesting present I have ever received. You brought into my life happiness, songs, games…things which I’ll never forget. Thank you for that.

Then I realized she was gone. But ,wait a minute…she left something …my teddy bear’s button. I smiled.

Yes, childhood  is   the most special period of our lives. We need to cherish her because when she leaves we miss her. Still  something remains: memories that bring a smile on our faces  whenever we remember about childhood.


Premiul III – CRISTINOIU ŞTEFAN ALEXANDRU, V - Şcoala Generală nr. 5 Braşov / prof. FRANK CARMEN


My childhood

          Now, I stand in front of the computer and writing this memory-reminder that wakes those feelings for my family that I felt when I was little.

            But let’s start with the beginning. I’m Stefan and I’m eleven. My friends call me "Stef” and I don’t like some of them calling me like that but… I don’t blame them. They’re my friends and… stuff like this. I live in the heart of Romania and I like these places. But enough of this things! Let’s get back to my childhood.

            My memories start like… I don’t remember much from when I was 1-2 years old. I only remember that I had a terrible flu when I was 2. My mother… is one of the most interesting and loved and precious persons in my life. My father is the base of my knowledge in matter of discipline, good manners and all this kind of things. My grandpa is the man who cared about me every day from when I was very, very young… I remember that once, when I was little, I pulled out the screws from his chair and he fell off of it. He was with me every day when my parents were at work.

            I was and am still very interested about painting and drawing. But I love making landscapes and characters. Portraits… I’m not very good at shading and stuff like this. I also like playing at the PC and playing with my friends. I newly got two new games that I love to play with Cristi, one of my classmates. Reading calms me and when I have a good book in my hand I won’t let it down. I’m very open in projects that include researching-purpose activities because it’s very exciting to discover new things. I think that I am a Christopher Columbus for myself… or an Archimedes…? Who knows what I will invent in the future.

            Some children say that they’re given too much homework to do and they don’t have time to do other things. But they’re wrong! I mean I’m doing my homework, I’m playing, I meet with my friends, I have time to read and there is free time too for my hobbies! I have all of the time in the world now!

            When I’m going to my grandparent’s house in the countryside, I like playing with dogs, fishing in the river right cross the road, going in trips in the woods, crafting bows and many other things. I have some friends there too and I can play with them too if I want.

            Here, at home I like listening to music, watching TV, playing on the computer, and meeting with friends.             I know that I said these things before, but I wanted to do a fast rewind. At contests I like to be the first or at least try to achieve that: at any kind of contest, game, at school, at home and anywhere else. Learning now is the base for the future says my father. I agree with him and I strongly recommend this to all children. Maybe I don’t work too much as an extension for what the teachers gave us, but I learn from the book and other things that must be done.

            Returning to memories… I think that when I was four I knew how to read in Romanian and English and to write some words from both languages. At kindergarten I was the only one who could read (except for the teacher) from our class. Also then I was making my "homework” every Friday.

            When I was seven I was "big”. I was going to school. I stepped in our class and our teacher hugged everyone and said "good luck to all”. After four years said goodbye to her and now our English/French teacher is our head teacher and she looks after us, she cares of us and she’s kind to us. We are grateful to her for this and we always should be, even if when we’re going to go to high school.

            Well this is my childhood until now, and I hope it’s going to be the same because it’s perfect. Now I must say goodbye to all! So… GOODBYE!!




  1. LICEE


Premiul I – TUDOR CASIANA, IX - Colegiul Naţional Radu Negru Făgăraş / prof. BICA EUGENIA


Childhood Is the Heart of All Ages

Childhood is the only moment that we live with maximum intensity, it is the period in which we cry and we laugh for every banality, childhood is the time when we get upset but forgive  everybody after  a few moments, it is the time when we are alone and also with everyone.                  

For me, childhood is a wonderful time, it is that period when you just have to be a child, because we have nothing else to do. Childhood is the time when you are free and it is full of love and happiness. It is that state beyond words when you sit in your grandfather’s lap, and he just smiles, but with one smile that now may seem trivial, but when you are a child that smile gives you an euphoric state. That smile is so simple but its simplicity is so full of love and gentleness. I will always remember that enormous joy I used to feel when my grandmother hugged me or when I could not sleep for fear of that shadow that was on the walls…My grandma always came to relax me, she used to read me a story or she would bring me a cup of warm milk and then all my fears disappeared, being crushed by the unbelievable feeling of confidence that my she would radiate towards me.  I am sure that you will always remember those moments when you were playing and you got hit, and even if it was just a scratch, you broke into a loud cry, but mother always came, she used to the wound and she would kiss it and finally she told you "you’ll have been cured by the time you get married!” We can never forget the fear that grips us when we first climbed on the bike, but Father was there  and made sure we were all right, he would go anywhere to guard and protect us, and while we were learning to ride the bike, there was no way of not getting  a strong  feeling of self-reliance and independence.

"Childhood is the heart of all ages”. I support this quote because I believe that at any age, even you have an advanced age, you can not forget that magical period.         

When you are a child you hear your grandparents saying: "This is my lovely nephew! ", your parents proudly repeating: "He’s our baby, we are so proud of him ", and when you get older, when you become a parent or a grandparent you will also say those words about your nephew or your children, and certainly, you will remember those moments of your childhood, when you used to perceived that, too.   

Nobody knows when childhood ends, but we know for sure that at some moment, anyone will desire to be treated as an adult, as a responsible person, a mature one. We do not become conscious that abandoning our childhood, we lose the game, the infinity and the freedom we have as innocent young humans. I know that at a certain moment we, all of us, must become adults , but nobody says that you cannot keep your childhood within yourself, among  your memories of your heart.         

Many people want to forget this time of life, many want to move quickly through childhood, why? Childhood is disappearing from a generation to another. Kids today, mostly wrong, say they do not know what childhood is, they are not happy, or they do not find anything special about this time of life, but they do not realize that they carelessly pass by the magic of childhood, being blinded by the bright monitor of the computer.           

Modern generations live in a virtual world dominated by technology, nonsense music, a completely empty world, without happiness and love. For them, childhood is just a banality, it is that boring and uninteresting period when they stand all day in front of the computer, or of the T.V. In my opinion, these kids will never be happy, truly happy, they will not feel those pure emotions, offered by childhood, they will remember just the mouse and the computer. Even if we are living in a century dominated by technology, this does not mean that we must become robots without feelings, without childhood. I must say that we are lucky if we can use this technology but we must not abuse it, especially when we are kids. Now these children have the video games, they are not apprehensive anymore of creating a genuine game, a "bona fide” game in the open, in close connection with the breathtaking mother- nature.

So, we might state that "childhood is the heart of all ages”, it is our permanent soul, as the great Romanian poet, Lucian Blaga once said; moreover, it is like a forgotten game that can be played anytime at any age, but a game of true value and importance.



Premiul II – SIMINICIUC LAURA, XII – Colegiul Naţional „George Coşbuc” Motru / prof. ALIOANEI CARMEN

Childish love

Have you ever fall in love with the clouds? Or did you ever long to embrace them, to feel and breathe the freedom, the love, the joy and keep them inside you? Or maybe I’m still a child and I know I’ve always been a dreamer, a restless lover of pure beauty, hope and all the small simple things.

Childhood is in all of us, you say? No matter how old or young our hearts are? Well, I guess it’s true, but you know, what can I say? I’m only nineteen and I have no idea why I have to act mature when I know I’m too scared not to be a child anymore. Kahlil Gibran once wrote that "The things which the child loves remain in the domain of the heart until old age. The most beautiful thing in life is that our souls remain over the places where we once enjoyed ourselves.” When I was little and the autumn was coming to its end, I used to stare at the twilight, watching the sun going down, trying to imprint that image in my head, believing that I’ll see it again only in the spring. The image that remained in my heart still finds its way to the surface sometimes, reminding me how I fell in love with the sunset. Since then, November is still the time when, with the same childish eyes, I take a look into the past as the bleeding sun goes down. Every autumn, although I know that the sun won’t hide away, I still love staring like a child, listening to the red and nostalgic sound of an end.

I think that we’re just getting used, step by step, with whatever the world brings: the solitude, the sadness, the free falling, the coming back to life when we must face another day, another morning. The morning always comes with the sunrise upon your eyes, telling you that it’s the time for another day. It can be a day where everything is the same like a yesterday with another name, or a day where everything changes. We get used with those things and we’re always trying to define them, to have in front of our eyes the statistics, the "do or do not”  lists, so we’re only making up a lot of useless mathematics that bury our hearts, our fragile and childish souls that we don’t pay attention to anymore. We let ourselves easily captured into the prisons of our own monsters. We stopped fighting them, so we’re just calling them with sweet names, hoping that one day we’ll be free. We’re acting so childish! We always do. We say things we don’t mean, being unable to find the words to describe what we truly feel. After that, we regret that no one understands us. Childish, right?! As childish as falling in love with the clouds? The clouds, I know, I’m talking about them again, but that’s how love feels like, right? It’s something you can’t avoid being obvious about. It becomes part of your structure and breaths through every pore of your being.

I don’t know what it means to be a child or how not to let the world change me. I know I like changes, so I guess I can be a child in a million different ways, feeling in a million different ways all the things that will define me. A "me” that’s always different from day to day, from morning breeze to evening sunset.

And for now, I keep telling myself that this is what we are and how we’re just trying to find a little bit of happiness in everything that seems good, in a million different ways. We want to be free as if we were runaways and we sail away to shores seen only by us, wherever the wind takes us, or wherever the clouds are closer.



Premiul III – COŢOVAN TEODOR GABRIEL, XII – Colegiul Naţional Economic „A. Bârseanu” Braşov / prof. HUDUBEŢ TEODORA


Childhood: the heart of all ages

            "What do you want to be when you grow up?”

            The answers to this question are not to be found here, for they are many. Most of them are not taken seriously when they occur, but the ideas are countless.

            Being a child was so easy and that question brought so many perspectives for the future that anything seemed possible. Dreaming and planning were "allowed”, free of charge, intriguing and harmless.

            I am writing this paper after days of consideration on a subject regarding children and their world, their perception and unique ways of seeing into the future – from a past where the future was just a state of mind.

            Everything looked and sounded different when I was a child. It was part fantasy, part comfort, part colors and joy; and even if I saw a lack of badness in almost everything, reality stood up to prove me wrong. Although "wrong” was not a word I could have easily accepted in my life back then.

It was good and bad – always two sides to choose from - black or white, left or right, up or down.

It was all made for me, and most things seemed to be built from within, like no one was putting any effort to make them.

            As a child, I could dream about anything I wanted, to be anything I could be, anywhere I want and achieve almost all the goals I could think of. Success is the most common goal, no matter what the circumstances are and what is the targeted field.

The first thing to think about, ever – even if it's basking in foolishness and childish impressions – it's that first thing that makes it count. It builds the dream.

            At the age of six I would want to become a very big and strong lion, who can rule the jungle and be above all other creatures – a king. All those stories and cartoons would come to life inside my room and especially inside my mind, creating more scenarios until the evening comes and the storybook closes, along with my eyelids.

            At the age on eight I am a superhero, with powers to stand in front of anything and eventually save the world if it calls for it. There is no object too heavy to be lifted and the laser beam from my eyes could cut through anything. My favorite part would be stopping a running train from smashing an innocent family stuck in their car on the tracks.

            At eleven I would see myself driving the biggest red truck there is, to be the king of the road. Again, a king. I would drive for miles, day and night...

            At sixteen I would play guitar until the neighbors would knock at my door in despair. I would ignore them and rock my world like there is no tomorrow. Music is the best language.

            At nineteen I would choose to write poems for the girl next door, hoping she would someday notice the stacked letters under her window and remember each and every word I laid on paper. I know where were they coming from.

            Life at the age of twenty-five would be wonderful if only I could drive a '69 Corvette, cruising and singing along with the radio, smiling to the one next to me – probably the girl next door.

            Thirty-five would find me married, with two wonderful children who dream and carry their minds all the way over the highest mountain. At that age it's possible. I have been there. And I can also play with them and make all kinds of sounds and faces, resetting my being to fit in their shoes, all over again, whatever it takes to make their present believable. They need this from me as much as I need to see them fulfilled. Everybody dreams.

            The innocence of a child is priceless.

            I remember explaining some time ago to a little three year old girl about the good and the bad people. I have pointed out that good people may hold her in their arms, while bad people may reject her. Then I asked her what kind of person did she think I was. The next second she gave me a hug. That concludes the simplicity within children's understanding, which, in her particular case, led to a strong and loving act. It is wonderful to see the world through their eyes, and how they embrace human nature, being challenged to choose and then respond.

            An interesting point of view is the fact that when a child looks into the future, he sees himself real, in all ages, with a huge number of choices and fields to discover and conquer. His self-confidence is limitless and his heart beats strong for what he believes in. As he is being raised and taught the lessons of life, and when maturity knocks at the door, that number of choices gets narrowed. The bigger he becomes – whatever the age is - the more he meets fear and a desperate need to be young again; perhaps to regain that heart inside that could keep up the pace to anything.

            In closing, I would say that it is not wrong to search for that inner child, to have a word with him, ask him what he's been up to lately and invite him to cut the ribbon of every achievement that he thought of in the past. It is not too late to dream and as long as I am still standing on my two feet, I can start over and redesign my life, as simple, and why not, as playful I can think of...

            They say every age has a childish heart still beating inside.

            Let this be true.


Menţiune I – VLAŞIN IOANA ALEXANDRA, XI – Liceul Teoretic „Bogdan Vodă” Vişeu de Sus / prof. TARACZKOZI CLAUDIA


Childhood is the heart of all ages

   "Childhood"…such a simple word, but hiding love, purity, tenderness and many true smiles.

 Childhood is the place where the world seems like a magic story with fairies and monsters. In this universe, grandparents are the child's absolute protectors when they happen to crack the bell. Childhood is the only moment of our lives when we live to the full. It is that moment of life when we cry and laugh in the same time when we are upset, but we have the power to forgive.

Firstly, I do not think there is a human being who does not feel a thrill only at the simple utterance of this magic word: "childhood" and who does not remember it fondly. I do not believe there is any person who, when he\she is in trouble, does not look behind to find that time which is so holy in human being's life. Just a thought related to childhood will make you smile again, will make you believe that everything will be solved just like when you were a child. Then, everything was possible; any sadness was banished by mother’s gentle caress. You could dream all the time because life was a dream.

Secondly, from my point of view, childhood is a gift from God that everyone receives. Every child is unique. Every child has his own desires. Every child is a part of another child. Moreover, children have two worlds: a good world and a bad one, like in those stories told by grandparents where good always wins. The bad world is a fake one, is full of malice, is a world that children do not understand. The second one is a dream world where everyone smiles, where nobody knows what lie, boredom, hatred, malice are. Children have their own way of seeing the world. They do not care about future, do not care about global crisis, do not care about things that frighten adults. They are not afraid of death. They see death as a passage to Paradise. For them, Paradise is that unique place where the ground is chocolate and the marshes are pudding. The milk-shake rivers run through forests of jelly where gingerbread houses are sheltered. In Paradise even the storm is a joy because milk and honey flow from the clouds of candy floss,

Unfortunately, there are many persons who had not such a beautiful childhood as they wished. In fact, childhood is not a set of only nice events that makes it so special. Childhood cannot be ugly no matter how hideous the living conditions are. The miracle of any childhood is that the child's soul keeps an innocence which borrows something from a fairytale charm.

Although, innocence will be lost, childhood will remain engraved in everybody's mind.

Moreover, my personal belief is that children should take full advantage of this time of their lives. However, they let time growing short, without realising the importance of childhood. Nowadays, children live in front of TV and computer, talking to friends who are abroad, forgetting to knock at their neighbour's door to invite his son to ride a bike. They choose to live in a virtual world, dominated by imaginary monsters and scary movies. 

  To sum up, I believe that as long as we keep childhood always with us, we will never get older. We must not forget that this time of our life makes us happy without requiring anything back. We must make sacrifices to find happiness and, even though childhood offers it on the tray, we just need to know how to take advantage of it. One of my desire is that,  when I am in the hardest moments of my life, my mind to fly back to childhood. Then, childhood will be for me as a refuge, an island in the restless ocean of our existence.



Menţiune II – FĂTU MARIA, IX - Colegiul Naţional Radu Negru Făgăraş / prof. BICA EUGENIA


Childhood Is the Heart of All Ages

Most people think that childhood is the heart of all ages and I agree with that.People say that childhood is the greatest time of every human’s life because of many reasons : in childhood most of the kids dream of what they will become when they grow up, some want to become famous doctors, others biologists or even pop or rock stars.

Children are free to dream and imagine at this age, every child deserves a beautiful childhood to remember when he grows up and a childhood that he wiil be proud to tell about. When you are young you must enjoy the opportunities that life offers you because it is not known when they come again. When you are a child you think that everything is attainable. Children react at information very well because as a young human you learn very fast new and interesting things. As an adult in the formation a little child likes everytime to discover new things and to learn useful and pleasant things.

In childhood you do not even realize how time passes by and when you become an adult. When a new thing appears in your life you are confused and you don’t know what to do and you always ask your parents what something means.

As a child you are always innocent and you are less reproached for  making mistakes or doing the bad things. You have few responsibilities and your parents treat you like you are the king of the world.

Childhood is a period you must enjoy because it appears just once in your life time. The opportunities come and go, in that period you have the most of opportunities: you can learn very well and go reach a great college in the world, you can have a job during school and you earn pocket money and you will not be stressed with demanding money from your parents, you can obtain scholarships and many others. You can also do a sport which is very healthy for your body and helps you to keep fit and to grow smoothly.

In childhood you find the first loves, you feel what love is and you are free to think what you want because when you grow up you change your mind because of the family.

Some people think that childhood is a bad period of the life because they think that you are vulnerable at every danger that comes in your face and ”eats” you. They are pesimistic  about this period because of the education given by their parents, who lived a bad childhood and they think that isn’t fair for them to give a better childhood to their children. That sort of people are in minority because most of the people including me think that the purity, happiness and the fun makes childhood one of the best periods of our life.

The elder people generally think that a child should be put to work since he or she is young and he or she must struggle with the problems of life. They think that because they have a very hard childhood, their parents think that they should be put to work because in that period just a few people were studying at school and their parents thought that their children would have a future just with hard work.

I and many other young people believe that a child should be allowed to live his childhood in fun, happiness because when he grows up he will have enough time for work, family and other adult things. In conclusion, I would say that childhood is enjoyed by almost everyone who has lived a normal life in a happy community.